Netflix Revives Historic Egyptian Theatre With ‘The Killer’ Screening And David Fincher Q&A
Netflix and the American Cinematheque are set to unveil the magnificent revival of Hollywood’s legendary Egyptian Theatre on November 9th, featuring a screening of “The Killer” and an exclusive Q&A session with director David Fincher.
A Century of History Revived

Hollywood’s iconic Egyptian Theatre, celebrating its 101st birthday, has undergone a comprehensive restoration, which includes the removal of the previous balcony, a redesigned lobby, a rejuvenated courtyard, brand-new seating, cutting-edge lighting, and Dolby Atmos sound technology.
Birthplace of Hollywood Glamour
Originally constructed during the silent film era, the Egyptian Theatre holds a special place in Hollywood’s history as the birthplace of the red carpet and the venue for Hollywood’s first-ever movie premiere, “Robin Hood” in 1922.
Netflix’s Commitment to Historic Preservation
Netflix acquired the theater three years ago and joined forces with the American Cinematheque to restore this historic landmark, which had aged, undergone various modifications, and suffered earthquake damage over the years. The American Cinematheque will curate programming for the theater on weekends, while Netflix will utilize the space for special events, screenings, and premieres during the week.
Celebrating the Reopening
Netflix is all set to celebrate the grand reopening with the release of a documentary short film titled “Temple of Film: 100 Years of the Egyptian Theatre,” which will also be screened on the opening night. The documentary features interviews with industry luminaries, including Guillermo Del Toro, Rian Johnson, Lynette Howell Taylor, Autumn Durald Arkapaw, and the theater’s restoration architect, Peyton Hall. The documentary is directed by Angus Wall.
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